Saturday, 26 January 2013



Kalau diri itu tidak tahu tentang AGAMA...BELAJAR LAH...sombong tu BAHAYA..ILMU tu takkan turun dari langit..ILMU itu perlu dicari...

tapi kalau dah ada ILMU tu kena la AMAL...sebab ILMU tanpa AMAL sama macam POKOK yang tak berbuah...POKOK tak berbuah kira ok lagi least dia bagi kita oxygen utk keperuan badan kita...ada gak la advantage pokok utk kita walau tak kalau kita tak berilmu ataupun kita ada ilmu tp tak diamalkan...dah macam mayat hidup...bangkai....tak berguna pun...semak mata memandang..

~yg baik dtg dari Allah...yg buruk itu datang dari diri saya sendiri...

gambaq ehsan google

Thursday, 24 January 2013



esok in shaa Allah saya akan jalankan 1 misi besar di fb..

misi remove fren2 yg tak dikenali dan tidak aktif..

oleh itu...u better remove me 1st...b4 i removed u...wahaha...

*budget retis

Wednesday, 23 January 2013



salam Maulidur Rasul to all muslimin n muslimat out there...repeat after me...."Allahumma salli 'ala muhammadin 'abdika warasulika n-nabiyyi l-ummiyyi wa'ala aalihi wasahbihi wasallim"3x

"Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect." (Qur'an 33:56)
'Selawat' to Prophet Muhammad SAW bring lots of benefits and blessings to those who say it. Just like istighfartasbih, etc. 'Selawat' was also the practice of the salafusolleh. When digging the trench during the battle of Khandaq, the sahabahs also said 'Selawat' in abundance to raise the spirit of the Mujahideen.

- Hadith from Ibn 'Umar

Our Love for the beloved Prophet is a prerequisite for a complete iman and it is not a forced love because the Prophet have already loved us in the first place. He yearned for us long before we even existed…

Are our love for him that great?

“O Allah, grant me the feeling of love for the Prophet as great as his love for his ummah… or even if it's just a small piece of it”. 

Selawat and salam be upon you… ya Rasulullah, with this small effort of my struggle, I hope for your shafaat on the day of our meeting... so intercede for us, ya Rasulullah. Ameen

Friday, 18 January 2013

just to speak


yep..saya cuma ada 4 hari je cuti utk sem ni...the rest kena g kursus ala2 short sem gl...hurmmm kinda buhsan je kan bunyik nyer...haha...

nothing much to be share today..

just to say HIIIIIII to the world..

well there...
perhaps u get urself updating about the LISTEN3x...haha..i am pretty sure u know about this..the video that have been view for more than 100 thousand becoming phenomena...fuyooo...

from my point of view,
what can i say that, SALUTE to bawani...because she is so brave in standing her point together with facts...kata org endon bukan omong kosong...hurmm...but...i dont really like the way she talked..maybe she should lower down the tempo and it might be nice...but...i realise that...i am not on that i do not know what actually happened....maybe, bawani dah tak tahan telinga dgr syarahan si sharifah tu kan...hurmmm..terpaksa la dia stand up dgn nada suara yg mcm tu...well....maybe people on that hall know better kan...

and what can i say about sharifah is that...she should learn about the comunication...she need to hear and understand bawani..wait until bawani finish..then she can continue with her point...hurmmm talking about sharifah's points...errr.....i dont think that sharifah should used animals as ada masalah, anjing, lembu...burung that sounds AK AK AK...if bawani can used those facts to voice out her point why not sharifah...i am pretty sure that sharifah know better that bawani...i dont want to comment about the potilical views...but i am just talking about adab ketika bercakap...

let the other party finish their talk then u can talk...u cant aspect people will respect u if u are not..

this is just my point of view...aka my opinion regarding to this listen's phenomena...may be i might be wrong in somewhere...and i regret it..yess yang baik itu dtg dari Allah..yg buruk itu datang dari diri saya sendiri...

well there again...!!!

listen to people talk...and be nice with other people will be sweet....yeah....daaaaa
